Peak Performance (pt. 3 - GOALS) - Click HERE

Peak Performance (pt. 2 - CALLING) - Click HERE

Peak Performance (pt. 1 - IDENTITY) - Click HERE

1 John 5.4. - Victory Over the World - Click HERE

How to Thrive in 2025 - Click HERE

Three Gifts From Jesus - Gift #3: JOY - Click HERE

Three Gifts From Jesus - Gift #2: LOVE - Click HERE

Three Gifts From Jesus - Gift #1: PEACE -Click HERE

Engage in Politics; Trust in Jesus - Click HERE

1 John 4.12 - The Way in Which We Can See God the Father - Click HERE

1 John 4.11 - Love One Another - Click HERE

Listen to Jesus and Do What He Says (pt. 2) - Click HERE

Listen to Jesus and Do What He Says (pt. 1) - Click HERE

John 17.15-17 - In the World, But Not Of the World - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - REVELATION 1&2 - How to Approach the Book of Revelation - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - MALACHI 4.5-6 - Hope for the Home is Hope for a Nation - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - ECCLESIASTES 3.1-8 - A Season for Everything - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - PROVERBS 30.7-9 - The Most Surprising Prayer in the Bible -Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - JUDE - How to Be Safe From False Teachers - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - ZECHARIAH 4.6 - Only By the Power of the Spirit Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - 3 JOHN 9-12 - How to Choose a Mentor - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - HAGGAI - IS God Really #1 in our Lives? - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - 2 JOHN - Truth and Love Go Hand in Hand - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - ZEPHANIAH

Zephaniah 3.17 - The Stunning Truth That God Rejoices over Uzs - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - HABAKKUK

Habakkuk 3.17-18 - Yet I Will Rejoice in God - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - NAHUM

Nahum 1.1-3 - Our Jealous, Avenging God  - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - MICAH

Micah 6.8 - What Our Good God Expects of Us - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - JONAH

The Book of Jonah -  Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - HEBREWS

Hebrews 5.11-14 - Milk vs. Meat - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible -1 JOHN

1 John -How to Be Certain You Have Eternal Life - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - OBADIAH

Obadiah - The Problem with Pride - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - AMOS

Amos 9.9-15 - Abundant Blessing Beyond the Discipline - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - 2 PETER

2 Peter 1.1-4 - Precious Faith and Precious Promises - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - HOSEA

Hosea  11.1-11 - God's Fervent Love for His Children - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - DANIEL

Daniel  1.3-17 - The Power of Resolve - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - 1 PETER

1 Peter 2.9 - An Empowering Verse for the Church - Click HERE

New Year Emphasis

Forward into 2024 - Click HERE

Read the Whole Bible in a Year - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - EZEKIEL

Ezekiel 15-16 - You're Useless, and I Could Be Worse, and It Will Be - Click HERE

These Three

The Priority of LOVE (Various Scriptures) - Click HERE

Real Christians LOVE (1 John 3-5) - Click HERE

A Confident and Blessed HOPE (Hebrews 6.17-19; Titus 2.11-15) - Click HERE

FAITH (1 Corinthians 13.13/Hebrews 11.1) - Click HERE

ECCLESIA: reimagining CHURCH as the people of Jesus gathering in Biblically-modeled environments for healthy disciple-making and multiplication

Session Six: Keeping the Right Plates Spinning - Click HERE

Session Five: You Can Stop Cutting the Turkey in Half (Pt.2) - Click HERE

Session Four: You Can Stop Cutting the Turkey in Half - Click HERE

Session Three: What is a Church? - Click HERE

Session Two: The "Called Out" Ones - Click HERE

Session One: The Word "Church" - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - JOEL

Joel 2.25 - God Can Restore Our Wasted Years - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - JAMES

James 2.14-26 - Are Good Words Required to Enter into Heaven? -  Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - HEBREWS

Hebrews 5.11-14 - Milk vs. Meat - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - LAMENTATIONS

Lamentations 3.22-23 - The Best Way to Start Your Day - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible -2 TIMOTHY

2 Timothy 1.6 - The Laying on of Hands - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible -1 TIMOTHY

1 Timothy 2.1-6 - What God Says Our #1 Prayer Request Should Be When We Gather Together - Click HERE

Journey Thru The Bible - JEREMIAH

Jeremiah 45.5 - Inappropriate Ambition - Click HERE

EASTER weekend message... "The Four Cups" by Rick Doctor - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible  - ISAIAH

Isaiah 64.1-2 - A Prayer for Revival - Click HERE

Isaiah 41.10 - Five Reasons to "Fear Not" - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - 1 & 2 THESSALONIANS

2 Thessalonians 2.15 - Stand Firm and Hold Fast - Click HERE

1 Thessalonians 5.16-18 - God's Will for You - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - SONG OF SOLOMON

Song of Solomon 2.7, 3.5.& 8.4 - Single Christian, Wait on the Lord! - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - COLOSSIANS

Colossians 1.15-20 - Four Reasons to Put Jesus First in Your Life. -Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - PHILIPPIANS

Philippians 1.6 - God Will Finish What He Started in You - Click HERE

3 Bible Passages for a New Year - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - PSALMS

Psalm 131 - Simple, Childlike Trust - Click HERE

Psalm 126 - A Psalm of Joyful Harvest - Click HERE

Psalm 117 - The Command and Reasons to Praise the Lord - Click HERE

Psalm 103.1-5 - Five Benefits Worth Remembering -Click HERE

Psalm 91 - The Safest Place I Know - Click HERE

Psalm 82 - Rebuking Those Who are Unjust to the Oppressed - Click HERE

Psalm 73 - When the Wicked Prosper - Click HERE

Psalm 67 - Our Blessing Tied to God's Mission - Click HERE

Psalm 53 - A Psalm Worth Repeating - Click HERE

Psalm 47 - Clap! Shout! Sing! - Click HERE

Psalm 32 - The Joy of Experienced Forgiveness - Click HERE

Psalm 29 - What Can We Learn From a Storm? - Click HERE

Psalm 19- How Does God Reveal Himself and How Should We Respond? - Click HERE

Psalms 1-2 - How Do You Prosper in a Perishing World? - Click HERE

Psalms: An Introduction - Click HERE

Matthew 16.13-18 - The Church Jesus is Building - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - EPHESIANS

Ephesians 2.6; 4.1; 6.14 - 3 Metaphors for the Journey of the Christian Life - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - JOB

Job 22-31 - Where is God in My Suffering? Why Is this Happening to Me? - Click HERE

Job 14.14; 19.23-26 - Is There Life After Death? - Click HERE

Job 2,4,9,11,22 - Job's Friends Came to Comfort Him... Did They Succeed? - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - GALATIANS

Galatians 5.16-25 - What's the Difference Between the Flesh and the Spirit? - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - ESTHER

Esther 4.14-16 - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - NEHEMIAH

Nehemiah 8.10 - When Does God Want Us to Cry and When Does He Want Us to Rejoice? - Click HERE

Nehemiah 2-3 - Unity, a Worthy Cause, & Assigned Domain - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - EZRA

Ezra - Is Jesus in the book of Ezra? - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - 1 & 2 CORINTHIANS

2 Corinthians 5.11-6.2 - What are the Right Motives of Evangelism? - Click HERE

1 Corinthians 9.24-27 - Struggle to Share Jesus? Self-Discipline May Be Your Problem -Click HERE

1 Corinthians 1-6 - Do You Know an Unhealthy Church? This May Be Their Problem... - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - 1 & 2 CHRONICLES

2 Chronicles 32.1-23 - What Should You Do When Your Enemy Seems Superior? - Click HERE

2 Chronicles 20 -What Do You Do When You Don't Know What to Do?- Click HERE

2 Chronicles 7.14 - A Promise for Christians in the USA? - Click HERE

1 Chronicles 21 - The Sin of Counting - Click HERE

1 Chronicles 4.9-10 - What's All the Hype About the Prayer of Jabez? - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - ROMANS

Romans 12.1-2 - How Should a Christian Live? - Click HERE

Romans 1-11 - How Does a Person Become a Christian? - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - 1 & 2 KINGS

2 Kings 22 & 23 - How Should You Respond to God's Word? - Click HERE

1 Kings 11.14 - Don't Let a Spouse Turn You Away from God - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - ACTS

Acts 15 - Freedom and Partnership - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - 1 & 2 SAMUEL

2 Samuel 7.1-17 - God Prefers Living in a Mobile Home. Say What? - Click HERE

1 Samuel 16.6-13 - Man Looks at              , But the Lord Looks at                    - Click HERE

1 Samuel 8 - Be Careful What You Wish For - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible -JOHN

John 13-16 - This Ain't Rocket Science - Click HERE

John 13 - What are the Characteristics of a Servant? - Click HERE

John 1 & 3 - What Does a Willing Witness Look Like? - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - RUTH

Ruth 1-4 - What Does a Godly Woman Look Like? - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - JUDGES

Judges 16 - Samson in the School of Sin -Click HERE

Judges 7 - God Loves to Do a Lot with a Little - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - LUKE

Luke 19.1-10 - Christ's Example of Reaching the Lost - Click HERE

Luke 15 - God's Heart for the Lost - Click HERE

Luke 4.14-21 - Why the Messiah Came - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - DEUTERONOMY

Deuteronomy 30.11-20 - Life or Death... Your Choice - Click HERE

Deuteronomy 26.2-11 - God in 1st Place in my Life. - Click HERE

Deuteronomy 6.4-9 - A Word Saturated Home - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - MARK

Signs that Confirm the Message of Forgiveness (Mark 16.9-20) - Click HERE

What People Need Most (Mark 2.1-12) - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - NUMBERS

The Seriousness of Sin - Click HERE

May 2 > God Smiling at You - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - LEVITICUS

How to Relate to Old Testament Laws - Click HERE

Unauthorized Fire - Click HERE

The Burnt Offering - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - MATTHEW

Worship the King (Matthew 28.1-9) - Click HERE

Enter the Kingdom (Matthew 18.1-4) - Click HERE 

Preach the Kingdom (Matthew 8-14) - Click HERE

Seek the Kingdom (Matthew 6.33) - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - EXODUS

Stiff Necked or Radiant-Faced? (Exodus 32 &34) - Click HERE

Personal Property and Communism (Exodus 22.1-15) - Click HERE

Plagues, False Gods, and Passover (Exodus 11-12) - Click HERE

God Hears Our Cries (Exodus 1-10) - Click HERE

Journey Thru the Bible - GENESIS

Joseph: God Intends Good (Genesis 41-50) - Click HERE

Jacob: Wrestling with God (Genesis 31-40) - Click HERE

Isaac: Embracing the Faith (Gen 21-30) - Click HERE

Abraham: Justified by Faith (Gen 12-20) - Click HERE

A Fabulous Creation and a Catastrophic Fall (Gen 1-11) - Click HERE

Formed and Reformed by The Word - Click HERE

Challenge: Read the WHOLE Bible - Click HERE

A Prepositional Christmas - Click HERE

The Church

Gatherings... When? Where? How Many People? -Click HERE

What Should the Church Be Most Known For? - Click HERE

Church - What is ESSENTIAL? - Click HERE

What is the MISSION of the Church? - Click HERE

What is the PURPOSE of the Church? - Click HERE

How is the Word "Church" Used in the NT? - Click HERE

The Church - What is it? - Click HERE

The Message of the Bible in One Word - Click HERE

Biblical Principles for Christians When Voting - Click HERE

PSALM 23 - The Shepherd's Psalm

Psalm 23.6 - Surely Goodness and Mercy - Click HERE

Psalm 23.5c - My Cup Runneth Over - Click HERE

Psalm 23.5b - Thou Anointest My Head With Oil - Click HERE

Psalm 23.5a - Thou Preparest A Table Before Me - Click HERE

Psalm 23.4b - Thy Rod & Thy Staff, They Comfort - Click HERE

Psalm 23.4a - Though I Walk Through the Valley - Click HERE

Psalm 23.3c - For His Name's Sake - Click HERE

Psalm 23.3b - He Leadeth Me in the Paths- Click HERE

Psalm 23.3a - He Restoreth My Soul - Click HERE

Psalm 23.2b - He Leadeth Me Beside Still Waters - Click HERE

Psalm 23.2a - He Maketh Me to Lie Down -  Click  HERE

Psalm 23.1b - I Shall Not Want - Click HERE

Psalm 23.1a - The Lord is My Shepherd -  Click HERE

2 Corinthians 4.7 - Click HERE

Series - "Don't Waste This Pandemic"

Don't Waste This Pandemic, pt. 4 - Click HERE

Don't Waste This Pandemic, pt. 3 - Click HERE

Don't Waste This Pandemic, pt. 2 - Click HERE

Don't Waste This Pandemic, pt. 1 - Click HERE

Persevering Beyond the Pandemic - Click HERE

Series - Greatest Hits Countdown - Most Searched Scriptures Online

Psalm 23 - Click HERE

John 3.16 - Click HERE

Jeremiah 29.11 - Click HERE

Philippians 4.6-7 - Click HERE

Philippians 4.13 - Click HERE

Romans 8.28 - Click HERE

Romans 12.2 - Click HERE

Matthew 6.33 - Click HERE

Isaiah 41.10 - Click HERE

John 14.6 - Click HERE 

Series - First Corinthians (video only)

1 Corinthians 16.19-24 - Click HERE

1 Corinthians 16.15-18 - Click HERE

1 Corinthians 16.14 - Click HERE

Prior to the 2020 COVID lockdown, Bible messages (2012-2019) from Harvest were recorded on audio and are available on our Audio Messages Archive, which you can access by clicking HERE.